Household Notebook Lists
Train yourself and your kids to “add it to the list”. No more searching for scraps of paper and post-its!
Keep track of your inventory of kids’ clothing and the sizes they wear.
Keep track of your valuables and big purchases with a home inventory list.
Are you making yourself lists and notes on post-it notes all day? Add this page to your planner to keep various lists and notes all in one place. I use this page in my weekly planner to do just that throughout the day while schooling or working. Then, then when I sit down to do my planning, I transfer the info to where it needs to be in my planner — shopping list, to-do list, appointments/phone calls to make, etc.
Avoid rabbit trails & procrastination — use a to-do list to maintain control of your tasks!
Thank you – thank you – thank you! I love my new binder with all your beautifully accented pages. I’ve set up my pages exactly the way I want them so that it works for ME! And being able to change every three months keeps it fun and refreshed.
This is just a beautiful project. I love planning and these pages are so lovely!
Tell me, is there a list for Books Read? I have looked and cant find one, but could have just not looked in the right place.
It’s in our Homeschooling Category:
Hi, I’ve just been putting my first folder of pages together. It would be really helpful to have a list for Books To Read, and also Curriculums/Unit Studies To Check Out, or maybe just an editable list page that we can title ourselves (but a full page list, not split like the shopping list). Since I’m home educating I tend to need to write down recommendations of books/websites/programmes, so that I can research them later. Thanks.
Check out our Homeschooling Category:
I was wondering about a page for children’s clothing – sizes, items needed, etc.? I have 6 children and I think a page with all their sizes and wardrobe needs would be wonderful.
Thanks for the idea Audrey!
We will have this in our next update. :)
Thanks so much for your work- it’s blessed me (and therefore my family) with a revamp on home management. I love the way it’s customizable and adaptable for each unique family. I can use some of the forms in ways they likely were not intended for but specifically aid my family. Thank you for continuing to improve it. Audrey’s wardrobe thing above sounds great- I don’t have six kids, but hey. Still great. Many, many blessings, Amy
The kids’ clothing list is a great idea! But it doesn’t seem to be edit-able as it is currently set up?
OOPS Suzette! I thought this was the editable version! I’ll get the editable version up ASAP.
Is there any budgetting sheets? Something like an accounting page, but more home-friendly?
Hi Suzette,
Not sure exactly what you’re looking for in this kind of page, but we’ll see what we can come up with for the next update!
Hi, maybe this has been requested before and if so, I’m sorry, but I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE a wish list for curriculum/books/games/projects/etc. for each grade level of the 12 grades (maybe even preschool and kindergarten :o) ) That way, as I’m shopping and there’s an item I would like to keep in mind for the future, but not this year or semester I won’t forget down the line! I’m very forgetful……… Thanks!!!
In your freebie section you have a plan listing of all the rooms in your house and how to clean them, etc. Do you have a editable list for the rooms and what to do with them? I can’t seem to find it if it is already in one of the sections. This would be very helpful as we have different rooms/area of our home that need attention and different things to do in each room than those listed on the original one I saw. I thought I could put it out to help my boys note what needs to be completed to call the room “cleaned.” Thanks for all you have done. I just purchased today but already have saved items and printed others to use! I am looking forward to spending more time getting organized! :) Leesa
Perhaps a Pantry Inventory list… or even just an editable all around ‘inventory’ list to itemize whatever… linen closet, books, cd’s or dvd’s, office supplies, medicine cabinet, pantry etc.
Yes!! Definately an inventory list for cd’s, dvd’s, and vhs tapes would be great.! Especially for people like us who have a college kid who used to watch tapes, and now an 8yr old who watches dvd’s. We are trying to slowly switch over, but i don’t want to repurchase and have double due to lack of organization!! ((blush))
I cannot tell you how happy I am that I found your site! I have been looking for templates for our control journal and yours are perfect for us. I would like to request a Movies to See/Rent (like your “Books to Read”) when you have time :) Also, just plain “Wish” Lists would be great too. If these are already there, I apologize, I might not have gotten through all of the amazing forms yet :)
Could you make some pages for gardening? Lists for what was planted, when, how much was harvested, etc… I love your pages! Thank you so much for all your hard work!
Hi Denise, :)
Homeschooling Pages
Now you can find ALL of your downloads on ONE page!
Go to: “members only / download center”
I’d like to see some lists having to do holiday planning, gift giving, and celebrations. Any chance of something like that coming along soon?
Hi Linda,
In our lists packet there is a page for gift giving as well as goal planning. I will see what I can dig up for holiday planning and celebrations. Any specific thoughts or ideas? Send them my way! We keep things pretty simple for holidays, so I’m not sure what exactly you are envisioning.
I’ve had this journal for 2 years now. I will admit that I need to experience change once in a while so I will go in search of a new type of calender/daytimer. But, it never fails…..I am always drawn back to my notebook and my cute pages. Thanks for all of your hard work!
Thank you Debbie! I pray our forms are not just pretty, but truly, truly, TRULY functional for your lives.
Just to add to Unatweedie suggestion maybe a freezer inventory list.
Thank you for this wonderful product it is a gift to myself from now on.
I would love to see a prayer list, and Bible study pages!
Mrs. Spensley,
Just added these this month: https://momstoolbelt.com/bible-study-quiet-time-pages
Love the new post-it note collage. I can think of several ways I will be able to use it!
Thanks Debbie! I love them too … got so tired of my piles of to-do notes and chicken scratch on various scraps of paper. :)
Love the new post it note collage. These are perfect for me to keep up with my little “notes” to myself. :-)
Love the idea of the note collage page! Lots of little spaces for jotting down notes, but no edges to bend over or get caught and pull off the page!
Thank You! Love my sticky notes and this is one step better! =)
I love these pages! Thank you so much!! Is there any way you could create swirly themed list pages?
Thank you,