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Make a Household Planner Notebook #1: The Mess

#1) Make a Household Planner Notebook: Go get your mess! … [Read more...]

Make a Household Planner Notebook #2: Covers & Spines

At this point, we have: 1) A temporary binder that's keeping all of our accumulating paperwork under control. Make a Household Planner Notebook: Covers & SpinesNow it's time to pick out a binder for your household planner. … [Read more...]

Make a Household Planner Notebook #3-1: Plan Your Week

At this point, we have: 1) A temporary binder that's keeping all of our accumulating paperwork under control 2) Our new binder with pretty cover & spine in place Now, let's move on to Part 1 of planning our week. I've done this a few ways. Make a Household Planner Notebook Weekly Plan Option 1: "AT-A-GLANCE Planning Boxes" This is a quick visual way to plan out the different aspects of … [Read more...]

Make a Household Planner Notebook #4: My Planning Section

Make a Household Planner Notebook: The Planning Section The first section of my household planner is the "planning section". I will detail here how I have put mine together and how I use it. … [Read more...]
